Monday, September 29, 2014


Posted by wwww on 7:26 AM with 53 comments
As in other crops, plant maintenance is an important factor. In this case, the maintenance during cultivation is the oyster mushroom pest control. This is particularly important given the pest must always strike at any cultivation whatever, especially in agriculture. Although the time of manufacture until planting baglog all media as bisnis online well as the already disterilisisai, but the pest must always come in every phase. To optimize production, minimize the risk of pest and disease control measures are most appropriate.

Pests and diseases between one place to another place on the cultivation of oyster mushroom is different, how to control pests and diseases is also certainly not the same, depending on what type of pest or disease that is attacking. This is caused by different environmental conditions also vary from one place to another as well as hygiene mushroom farms or homes. In addition to environmental factors, pest attacks can be sourced from oyster mushroom itself especially well when performing the sterilization process while performing sterilization and sterilization of growing media materials baglog. Possible errors while doing this so
BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA easy sterilizing contaminated by local environmental conditions.

Pests during cultivation of oyster mushroom pests include caterpillars, kleket, ants, and spiders. Observations in the field every day needs to be done so that pests can be detected earlier, thereby reducing the risk of failure of the harvest. Here is a short description of how to control the following pests:

Monday, September 22, 2014

  Runcingkan on the base of the stem 3-5 cm.
             Selipkan on the pointy sticks (shoots) dip between rootstock.
             Wrap the field below & above linkage rod with plastic ropes. Dressings, starting from the top, then tie the ends tightly wraps.
             Cover the connection with a transparent plastic bag & keep in the shade. After 2-3 weeks the lid open & seeds left to grow for 3-4 weeks. The bandage can be removed after 3 months of age that is upon the seed has to sprout. After 6 months of age completed dipindahtanamkan seeds to the garden.
             Connection for flush seeds routinely & siangi weeds.

Connection to augment milk. As for connectivity means milk is as follows:

     Select a tree trunk holding well-productive as above.
     Prepare the rootstock about in polibag & put in the place of seniority from the parent tree mangosteen.
     Select a branch (entres) from Agen Texas Poker Dan Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaythe parent tree branches for material above. Branch diameter less than or equal to the rootstock.
     Sayat rootstock the trees about 1 / 3-1 / 2 the diameter of the trunk during the 5-8 cm.
     Sayat is a branch with similarly entres.
     Combine second incision area stems & wrap with plastic ropes.
     Let the seeds of milk for 5-6 months.
     Keep the tree rootstock parent & paste in polibag intensively.
     Milk successfully if grown young buds on the stem sprouts (entres) & some swelling (callus) in ties.
     Recently cut seed milk immediately stored in the shade with the irradiation of 30% for 3-6 months to grow new shoots. At this time the seed is ready dipindahtanamkan. [Mangosteen seeds]

6.2. Media Processing Plant Manggis

     Preparation: Setting the grounds for mango plantation should take into account transport facilities & water resources.
     Land opening
         Uncover crops are not the required & beams off and remove the grass clump of wild & planting acreage.
         Tilling the soil for soil massif eliminate extra large.
     Planting Distance setting: In the
DAUNPKR.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA land of one's fertility, plant spacing narrowed while on arable land, more distant spacing. Standard spacing is 10 m & arranged by:
         isosceles triangle.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Para una dosis de fertilización

Posted by wwww on 4:23 PM with 36 comments
Para una dosis de fertilización con abonos orgánicos nasa + 50% de fertilizante químico comúnmente en uso, o puede utilizar una dosis estandarizada de fertilizantes fertilizante orgánico .As nasa (micro) que en uso es super Nasa y fertilizantes químicos (macro) requerida es de 160 kg de urea , 100 kg SP-36 y 160 kg de KCl por hectárea, que se da en dos etapas:

     Edad de 7 -10 días nasa fertilizante orgánico (Super nasa) 3 Kg + fertilizados con dosis de fertilizante químico de 60 kg (urea) y 100 kg (SP-36) y Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya   50 kg (KCL) por 3 kg SUPERNASA hektar.Caranya revuelva en 1 con los fertilizantes químicos que se han aplicado sediakan.Lalu 10-15 gramos en cada tronco y cubrir con tierra.
     Edad 2-3 nasa fertilizante orgánico (Super nasa) 3 Kg + fertilizados con dosis de fertilizante químico de 100 kg (urea) y 110 kg (KCL) por 3 kg SUPERNASA hektar.Caranya revuelva en 1 con fertilizantes químicos que han estado en sediakan.Lalu aplicar 10-15 gramos en cada tronco y cubrir con tierra.
     Condiciones de yuca (mandioca) de la plantación inicial hasta la edad de 4-5 meses + siempre deben estar húmedo, no demasiado fangoso. En suelo seco necesidades de riego y el riego de las fuentes de agua cercanas. El riego durante la estación seca, por medio de una escalera directa, pero esto puede dañar el suelo. Un buen sistema es un sistema utilizado charco de modo que el agua puede llegar a la zona de la raíz de la cuenca. Riego con una piscina de sistema puede ser de dos semanas de una vez por adelante otorgado en base a la necesidad.

C. Restricciones en el número de brotes (Wiwil)

     A la edad de 1 mes exceso de brotes descartado / dirempes, dejando 2 dispara el mayor bien.