Tuesday, June 24, 2014

El procedimiento para hacer los agujeros

Posted by wwww on 11:24 PM with 31 comments
El procedimiento para hacer los agujeros de plantación comprende las etapas funciona como sigue.
1) Coloque el primer lugar del hoyo de plantación en lo que la mitad de la distancia desde el borde o límite de plantar el jardín, que está a una distancia de 4,5 m-5, 0 m de espaciamiento cuando se utiliza 9 mx 9 m o 10 mx 9 m.
2) Colocar un marcador de listones de bambú como una característica del hoyo de plantación donde el antarajir distancia de 3 mx 3 m.
3) Crear un agujero rectangular del
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya tamaño de 60 cm x 60 cm o 1 mx 1 m, dependiendo de la fertilidad del suelo.
4) Excavar el suelo en el agujero a una profundidad de 30 cm, a continuación, excavar en el suelo para levantar el lado izquierdo del agujero en la luz del sol por la mañana.
5) Profundizar en el agujero de 60 cm, para ser un tamaño de 60 cm x 60 cm o 1 mx 1 mx 0,6 m. El suelo removido para cavar el lado derecho del hoyo o lugar expuesto al sol de la tarde o de la tarde.
6) Vacíe el hoyo de plantación por lo menos 15 días para que los gases tóxicos en el suelo a que se evapore.
7) Inserte la capa posterior del suelo de la parte inferior del agujero a su lugar original.
8) la capa de tierra vegetal mezclada con estiércol tanto como 20 kg-40 kg, a continuación, insertarlo en el hoyo de plantación.
2. Preparación de Semilla
Plantas de nuez moscada Binit están listas para la siembra de semillas que han estado pendientes durante más de un año y no más de dos años. Si las plántulas son superiores a la prestación por mucho tiempo en el cuarto de niños, entonces el crecimiento se atrofia y las raíces son múltiples.
Directrices mennetukan número de semillas por unidad de superficie de uso de la tierra siguiendo el enfoque de fórmula.
El número de semillas necesarias = superficie total (m²): espaciado x 1 plántulasUn área de tierra de 1 hectárea con una separación 9 mx 9 m, y una tierra efectiva plantadas con 90%, las necesidades de plántulas de plantas de nuez moscada de aproximadamente 111 plantas de semillero de plantas de nuez moscada. Un mes antes de la siembra de plántulas debe adaptarse primero a la ubicación cerca del jardín.
3. Siembra
Mejor momento de la siembra es durante la temporada de lluvias para garantizar que se necesita la disponibilidad de los recursos hídricos en las primeras fases de crecimiento de las semillas de nuez moscada planta. Las plántulas se transfieren desde la guardería hasta el sistema putaran.Bibit envolvieron con plátano gedebok u otro envoltorio que puede merembeskan agua. Sin embargo, en una bolsa de polietileno plántulas se pueden plantar directamente en el tewrsedia hoyo de plantación.
El espaciamiento es muy importante porque sin el conjunto espaciamiento adecuado, entonces la planta no puede producir de manera óptima. Espacio entre el suelo plano, es de 9 mx 10 m, mientras que en terreno accidentado (colina) 9 mx 9 m.
El procedimiento para la siembra de las semillas de plantas que comprende los pasos de trabajo de la siguiente manera.
1) Preparar las herramientas y los materiales que consiste en plantar semillas de nuez moscada en bolsas de polietileno, azadas, grita (embrat), y otras instalaciones de apoyo.
2) Dig azada terreno de las hojas en el h
Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014oyo que se había preparado mucho antes.
3) Salpicando el medio de plantación en bolsas de plástico que contienen semillas de plantas de nuez moscada con agua hasta que esté húmedo o mojado.
4) Retire las semillas con la plantación de medio de bolsas de plástico con cuidado para no dañar las raíces.
5) la semilla plantada inmediatamente a la derecha en el medio de la hoyo de plantación con la posición vertical.
6) El suelo alrededor de la base del tallo de semillas de plantas nuez moscada dopadatkan lentamente a las raíces de la planta directamente en contacto con el agua del suelo.
7) del suelo alrededor de las plantas de semilla de nuez moscada regado hasta que esté húmedo o mojado.
8) Colocar el tampón A de madera o bambú listones en el lado izquierdo y el lado derecho del tallo de la planta.

NAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesia 9) Después de que el riego de plantas hasta que el suelo alrededor de la base del tallo y las raíces lo suficientemente húmeda

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

  Signora nuove dr labbra sy DPT Paesi Bassi, sy ritaglio disposti nella parte superiore, in corso taro nel piatto, i media ritaglio cm del suolo, ceneri e fertilizzanti. Grazie
17 dicembre 2013 alle 19:02

Ciao Ejuna, semi tulipnya in "trattamento a freddo" prima ya salvare dikulkas appena piantati 3-4 mesi, perché nelle 4 stagioni passa per raffreddare le temperature a crescere il prossimo anno, quando la nuova primavera.
22 dicembre 2013 alle 09:29

Ciao Signora, sy ud ud 2 trattamento settimanale a freddo, dovrebbe essere tre mesi, perché ud ud Ci sono 3 lampadine fuori germogli hijau2, jd sy deve skrng come Yach? Se continua a fallire ritaglio sy, sy Forse il compagno lg seme bl ng? Grazie

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1. Refrigerazione di processo (trattamento a freddo)La maggior parte dei tulipani hanno bisogno di almeno 12-14 settimane di "periodo freddo" per produrre un bel fiore. E 'difficile in climi caldi / tropici, difficile ma non impossibile.
Si può fare un "trattamento a freddo", il modo più semplice, che è quello di salvare i semi (lampadine) tulipani in frigorifero (frigorifero) ad una temperatura di 1,7-12,8 ° C. Conservare i semi 6-16 settimane. Cose da avvolgere (negozio) utilizzano giornale o cartoni delle uova. Se non si conosce il cartone delle uova appena Google "cartoni delle uova", il tablet se comprate le uova al supermercato proprio lì dove mai si è fatto di cartone, quindi sì ".
Semi di Risparmio tulipnya Non miscelare con frutta, soprattutto mele. Frutti che sono maturi rilasciano gas etilene che ucciderà / danneggia i fiori nel bulbo.
Steven piantine wrap-seme utilizzando plastica a chiusura lampo.

PokerVoVo.com Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli IndonesiaPerché avvolgere il bulbo suo utilizzo in plastica a chiusura lampo? Steven dice perché non ha un frigorifero personale, costretto a utilizzare un frigorifero vegetale. Verdure erano producono anche gas etilene che può essere sventato ai bulbi, quindi l'involucro di plastica previsione a chiusura lampo con una lampadina.
Poi conservarlo in stato plastico deve essere diligenti nel controllo bulbnya perché ci sarà umidità nella plastica e gocce d'acqua, e causerà la muffa. Così dovrebbe essere diligente per pulire i funghi.
2. Piantare
Secondo Steven:• radici tulipano cresceranno di circa 6-8 settimane. Spara cresce da sola a seconda del tipo di tulipnya. All'inizio questo tipo compaiono dopo 10-12 settimane, tipo di mezzo probabilmente circa 12-14 settimane, per il tipo di ritaglio tarda, anche se allo stesso tempo ci sono voluti 15-16 settimane ancora di recente germogli emergenti.•, può essere in realtà appare più di 4 new moon The Double Fine crescita molto lenta.• Tulip tulipano-prima fuori dal frigo l'8 febbraio 2014, accidentalmente salvato 19 settimane, le radici solo Upstar fino ad ora non son
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014o stati fuori dal fondo della pentola, i germogli sono ancora nascosti.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Agricultural Extension PNS

Posted by wwww on 4:13 PM with 11 comments
  Agricultural Extension PNS
THL-TB Agricultural Extension
Extension Agent SwadayaKeindahan Hidden Flower ShoesInterest is something that is very pleasing to the eye it is extremely not mengeherankan when people often plant their favorite flowers on the side of the house or yard so that they can continue looking at the beauty of the flowers at any time.
Pulau Tidung Speaking of flowers around the house, you'll often see flowers that have petals and brightly colored menscolok, is not it? Yep, that is the hibiscus flower. Want to know more about the type of flowers that termasik trumpet this, let us refer to the information below.
Inside Flower Shoes.Types of flowers belonging to the Malvaceae is indeed its existence is known to be very fast because it is very interesting. Understandably, the interest which has the Latin name Hibiscus rosa sinensis L has a crown of flowers are large and beautiful. Sometimes it attracted the attention of young girls to mejadikan this flower ornament on their heads. Not surprisingly, the average interest rate that the shoes are in lower positions are often short-lived because often plucked. Despite having a large crown with a diameter of up to 6 till 19 cm plus pistil sticking out, but it does not have the scent of flowers. Recognizing the interest by the Sumatra highway called the flower is very easy. He typically has 5 petals numbered pieces will be protected by additional petals that are red, yellow, orange, pink, etc., because it's the flowers terlihta have double eyelids, but there are also only has a crown layer. If you want to transplant them this plant, the flowers can calm life in the tropics and subtropics by way of attachment, grafts and cuttings.

Pulau PramukaImportant Substances In Flower ShoesIt turns out that not only beautiful hibiscus seen but beautiful at heart and in body. Why? Because some parts of these flowers contain substances that are useful to the body, eg part resin. BNGA sap can be used as medicine in the heat. The flowers contain flavonoids as antioxidants and substances inhibiting pigmentation, it has not termasuj other important substances such as saponins, proteins, polyphenols and others. Ethanol contained in this flower can also be used to slow the growth of hair in your armpit

Study On Mount Sinabung & Kelud (New)
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Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis Linn)Image Source: google.co.idThese plants include family Malvaceae. Thought to have originated from China and Japan, but has long been cultivated in Indonesia. Widely used as a component of many plant and is found growing wild in the bush thicket. Classified hibiscus shrubs with a height reaches 1-4 meters. Petals layered like a rose. The flowers have a variety of shapes and colors and is quite unique. Hibiscus able to grow well in the open or semi-shade, either in high or low-lying areas up to an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. Propagation using cuttings, grafting, grafting, or grafting. Tanamn ornamental planting medium requires rich organic materials that require additional manure every six months sekali.kembang shoes do not require special treatment in the flowering process. At the beginning of growth, give NPK fertilizer with hig
Wisata Pulau Parih nitrogen content, then at the time of entering the flowering period give NPK with high content of phosphorus and potassium. Pruning is absolutely necessary to maintain the shape of the plant and stimulate the emergence of new shoots that will contain bung

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Application: sprayed to whole leaf

Posted by wwww on 4:15 PM with 11 comments
Application: sprayed to whole leaf
· Recommendation: given upon entering flowering orchidb) Foliar fertilizer containing N balance
· Brand: Hyponex green, green Growmore, Gandasil 63 and others
· Dosage: 1-3 g / l of water

· Application: sprayed to whole leaf
· Recommendation: given alternately with foliar fertilizer with a high content of P and Kc) Liquid Organic Fertilizer
· Meek: M-Bio, Bio Micro, MSA and others
· Dosage: 1 ml / l of water
· Frequency: once a weekApplications: to the entire leaf and sprayed into the planting medium disiranPost-Flowering Fertilizer
Foliar fertilizer containing N balance
· Brand: Hyponex green, green Growmore, Gandasil 63 and others
· Dosage: 1-3 g / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
· Application: sprayed to whole leaf

· Recommendation: given alternately with foliar fertilizer with a high content of P and KSupplement
Vitamin B
· Dosage: 1 ml / l
· Frequency: once a week
· Application: given together with foliar fertilizer
(Budiana, 2008)

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

In the plant there are male flowers and female flowers are located separately or monoecious (monoecius) lies the interest lies in the trunk and branches with hanging position. Fatherly get the maximum fruit fruit nangkadak females needed artificial pollination with male flowers.e. Fruit
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya Plants begin to bear fruit in 2-3 years from planting dilahan.Bentuk nangkadak cylindrical fruit resembling Cempedak but larger fruit size is 17-22 cm in diameter, with a fruit weight from 2.5 to 5 kg.kulit blunt spiny fruit is green when young and yellowish green when ripe. Number pongge 20-30 pieces. ± 1cm thickness of flesh, golden yellow fruit with a soft texture. Very sweet fruit flavor with the sweetness of 28 ˚ - 30 ˚ Brix. Soft fruit aroma. The uniqueness of nangkadak is the fruit can be separated easily from the skin and the sap daminya like Cempedak and not too much like a jackfruit.Physical CharacteristicsThe tree reaches a height of up to 20 meter.Rantng and stiff brown shoots. Inflorescence on their own and often appear in the armpit leaves and stems branch and trunk utma to near ground level. Lonjng wreath shaped like an elongated mace. Fruit compound pseudo green kekunngan until browned. dengn checkered soft spines. Meat pieces of jewelry is actually a relationship that is thickened yellowish to orange. The taste is sweet and fragrant.
DistributionThis plant originated from South East Asia, and spread widely ranging from Tenasserim region of Burma, the Malay Peninsula including Thailand, and some islands of the archipelago: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Maluku up to Papua. Also a common sight in western Java.Naturally, wild Cempedak often found in lowland rain forest, both primary and secondary forests. Growing to a height of about 1000 m above sea level, this fruit tree like areas with a dry season indecisive, land with shallow water table, and even the occasional resistant flooded.Cempedak commonly grown in home gardens, agroforestry gardens to the complex mixture that is not uncommon wilder become secondary forest. Cempedak also be crossed naturally with jackfruit.Nangkadak4th nangkadak fruitful tree

Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Fruit eaten fresh or processed first. Cempedak fruit pulp, seeds and their sometimes once, given the flour, sugar or salt and fried, used as a snack drink tea or coffee. Seeds can be fried, boiled or grilled, before being eaten with a little salt mixture. Young fruit, such as young jackfruit, can be used as a vegetable.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Actually, Asparagus is grown for its leaves taken, which is a type of Asparagus setactus marambat. This type of asparagus grown and propagated on the front porch with a rope, wire or wood. In addition there Asparagus densiflorus Asparagus umbellatus and that many elements of the garden used as form a thick canopy and a beautiful tail like a squirrel. Asparagus falcatus whose leaves are also large at first glance does not appear until the asparagus. Setaceus Asparagus is also called MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA Asparagus officinalis is a plant producing shoots. Plants Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), an annual plant. Asparagus has a rod in the ground (rhizomes), which will grow bamboo shoots. While the "rod" that looks beyond the ground is where the growth of branches, twigs and leaves. Asparagus needle-shaped leaves. Asparagus plants producing shoots a glance is similar to pine. However, plant height was only about 1 m, with a trunk diameter of only 1 cm. In Indonesia, Asparagus suitable to be cultivated on land with an altitude between 600 sd. 1700 m. asl. Seeding can be done vegetatively Asparagus with tissue cultures derived from seedling shoots and cuttings, as well as generative of seeds. Of the three original seeds, seedlings originating from seeds better.
Seed Preparation Seeding can be done vegetatively Asparagus with tissue cultures derived from seedling shoots and cuttings, as well as generative of seeds. Of the three original seeds, seedlings originating from seeds better. Initially, seeds were imported from Taiwan, but starting in 2007 the farmers began to develop independently of asparagus breeding. Price of green asparagus seedlings reached 2.5 million dollars for every 2 pounds or 800 grams of it. In the area of ​​1 hectare of land requires 600 grams of asparagus seedlings.
Asparagus is a plant that is grown indirectly (Indirect seedling) through the nursery. In the nursery the seeds are 6 stages, namely:

Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Seedbed In the nursery, the nursery area to note the selection of the land is well drained, not a former asparagus crops, the soil loose, fertile and sandy. Nursery seedbed tillage done, given the basic fertilizer and Furadan 3G to avoid pests. The pile is built with a width of 120 cm, height 20-25 cm, width 40 cm trench to a depth of 40 cm.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

make a planting hole according

Posted by wwww on 2:01 AM with 9 comments
 make a planting hole according to the distance and cropping system -chosen ;
take pineapple seedlings healthy and well and plant the seeds in the planting hole that is available each one seedling per planting hole ;
soil pressed / compacted around the base of the stem of
Agen Judi Bolapineapple seedlings that are not easily collapsed and root crops can be direct contact with ground water ;
watering until the soil is moist and wet ;
pineapple seedlings do not get too deep, 3-5 cm stem section buried in the ground so that perishable seed .
Pineapple Plant Maintenance1 ) Spacing & StitchingThinning is not done because the pineapple pineapple plant specific and not a tree . Replanting activities pineapple necessary , because - ceding ceding pineapple seedlings do not grow because of technical errors or planting seedlings factor .2 ) WeedingWeeding is necessary for cleaning a pineapple garden of weeds and weed competitors in the event of a pineapple plant needs water , nutrients and sunlight . Weeds often become a den of & disease . Weeding time depends on the growth of weeds in the garden , but the savings For weeding done in conjunction with fertilization .Way of weeding is done by hand weeding / kored / hoe . Digemburkan seedbed soil around the base of the stem and ditimbunkan pineapple to form mounds .3 ) PembubunanPembubunan required within planting pineapple , performed at the edge of beds which are often landslides when watered . Pembubunan should take soil from the ditch or trench around the beds , so the beds are higher and trench becomes deeper , so that the drainage becomes normal again . Pembubunan serves to correct the structure of the soil and the roots that come out on the soil surface covered back so that the pineapple plant stands strong .4 ) FertilizationFertilization is done after 2-3 months old plants with artificial fertilizers . Fertilization subsequent aftershocks repeated every 3-4 months until the plants are flowering and fruiting . Type and dose of fertilizer use is :

Agen Bola Indonesia    a) NPK Fertilizer tablets ( Pamafert )
The composition of the content of N - P2O5 - K2O - MgO - CaO is 17-8-12-0-2 + micro